A blog on gigs, music, art and London.

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Prom 16 - Casken, Tchaikovsky & Stravinsky - Birmingham Symphony Orchestra - Royal Albert Hall

I went along to the Royal Albert Hall on Tuesday to see Prom 16.

First piece was John Casken's evocative musical depiction of the Northumbrian landscape 'Orion Over Farne'.

Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 2 followed before the highlight of the evening, Stravinsky's 'Firebird'. It opened in subtle, graceful style eventually giving way to a later section punctuated by lively orchestral peaks and a moving yet triumphant ending. I was in the upper circle and despite the slightly restricted view and mobile phone interruptions it was an enjoyable concert.

The hall looked beautiful although there is something that prevents me from holding it quite in the same affection as the RFH etc. Still, it does look very impressive looking across from the beautiful Albert Memorial and it is unique I suppose in terms of its age and history/legacy etc. Maybe I will try to fit in another 2009 Prom if circumstances allow...

Yo La Tengo at QEH / Teenage Fanclub at Clapham Common

OK, I am massively behind in blogging on this but here we go.

I went along to see Yo La Tengo play last month at the QEH as part of Ornette Coleman's Meltdown festival. It was one of their 'Freewheeling' shows, featuring stripped down versions of a lot of their songs and much dialogue between band/audience. It was the sixth time I have seen them play live - previous venues have included Royal Festival Hall, Shepherd's Bush Empire x 2, Koko & the Gateshead Sage. Overall, it was a very enjoyable set, band on good form both musically and socially. I even managed to fire a question at the band in amongst the constant flow of comments from the audience. In a unsuccessful attempt to get them to play 'Moonrock Mambo' I asked who their favourite Simpsons character was. Apparently Ira has always been a fan of Disco Stu. The set also featured a nice version of 'Dreaming'. Beautiful. Nothing from 'And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out' and 'Summer Sun' but still a great gig.

Last weekend I went along to see Teenage Fanclub play as part of Ben & Jerry's Summer Sundae at Clapham Common with JP. A rare appearance at a music festival for me. These days I can just about manage a one day event which doesn't involve excessive travel & camping. Teenage Fanclub played a fairly solid set including three new songs as well as a selection of familiar favourites (Sparky's Dream, Ain't That Enough, About You, Your Place.., I Don't Want Control Of You etc). First song was Near You and they opted to finish with Everything Flows (no inclusion of The Concept sadly). Norman was on good form throughout and we managed to secure places right at the front far too easily! Add a nice helping of various free ice cream, delicious paella, pear cider and some glorious weather and overall it was a great day.